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Articles categorized as Asthma

Article imageTerry Graedon - March 28, 2024
Article imageJoe Graedon - February 12, 2024
Article imageTerry Graedon - June 18, 2024 - 9 comments

Show 1354: How Hypnosis Can Help Your Health (Archive)

The practice of hypnosis can help patients manage a wide range of health problems, so long as they are hypnotizable.

Terry Graedon - February 4, 2024

How to Prevent Asthma Flares with Vitamin D

Joe Graedon - January 14, 2024

Can You Save Money by Importing Drugs from Canada?

Terry Graedon - January 11, 2024

Show 1369: What to Do If You Catch the Flu

Joe Graedon - January 8, 2024

Primatene Mist Is Back on Drugstore Shelves

Joe Graedon - January 4, 2024

Authorized Generic Drugs Offer Quality and Affordability

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Joe Graedon - July 24, 2023

Should Pharmacists Be Able to Prescribe Behind the Counter Drugs?

Many countries permit pharmacists to prescribe behind the counter drugs such as antivirals, antibiotics, and asthma meds. Why not in the US?

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Joe Graedon - June 29, 2023

Azithromycin for Asthma AMAZES

Many doctors are unaware of the science supporting azithromycin for asthma. Learn why this antibiotic might help hard-to-treat asthma.