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Articles categorized as Stroke

Article imageJoe Graedon - June 16, 2024
Article imageTerry Graedon - June 5, 2024
Article imageJoe Graedon - July 7, 2024 - 12 comments

Low LDL Cholesterol Linked to Bleeding Strokes

Could "bad" cholesterol serve a function in the body? A meta-analysis finds low LDL cholesterol may increase the risk for bleeding strokes.

Joe Graedon - May 23, 2024

Do You Have Micro Particles of Plastic in Your Testicles?

Joe Graedon - May 23, 2024

Which Diuretic is Best for Hypertension? HCTZ or Chlorthalidone?

KFF - April 25, 2024

If You Are on Medicare & Overweight You May be Eligible for Wegovy

Terry Graedon - April 24, 2024

Gut Microbiota Linked to Stroke Severity

Terry Graedon - March 28, 2024

Bright Outdoor Light Exposure Overnight Raises Risk of Strokes

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Joe Graedon - March 14, 2024

FDA Approves Heart Benefits for Wegovy Weight Loss Drug

Semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy) is one of the hottest drugs in the world because of weight loss. What about the heart benefits for Wegovy?

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Terry Graedon - March 14, 2024

Refined Grains Increase the Risk of Stroke

People relying on diets high in refined grains are more likely to suffer strokes. A regular B-complex vitamin could help.