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Articles categorized as Joint Pain

Article imageTerry Graedon - February 22, 2024
Article imageTerry Graedon - January 21, 2024
Article imageTerry Graedon - March 25, 2024 - 6 comments
Terry Graedon - October 9, 2023

What Can You Do for Your Knee Arthritis?

Joe Graedon - July 23, 2023

How to Make Gin-Soaked Raisins for Joint Pain

Terry Graedon - June 26, 2023

What Is the Alternative to Grape Juice and Pectin?

Joe Graedon - May 8, 2023

The Dark Side of Cortisone Shots: Joint Deterioration

Joe Graedon - April 27, 2023

Cortisone Injections Can Have Devastating Effects

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Terry Graedon - April 24, 2023

Pectin and Grape Juice to Ease Sore Joints

Some people use home remedies such as pectin and grape juice instead of pain relievers to ease sore joints. Readers offer their own variations on the remedy.

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Joe Graedon - April 10, 2023

Do You Take Your Pain Medicine for Granted?

Do you take pain medicine at least once a week? How about once a day? Do you know the pros and cons of ibuprofen, naproxen or acetaminophen?