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Generic Drug Problems

Article imageJoe Graedon - April 17, 2024
Article imageJoe Graedon - March 25, 2024
Article imageDennis Miller, RPh - July 10, 2024 - 50 comments

Just Shut Up and Fill Prescriptions!

Should pharmacists educate you about deception, and dishonesty regarding pills? Or should pharmacists just fill prescriptions?

Terry Graedon - February 28, 2024

Show 1376: How Well Does the FDA Monitor Drug Quality?

Joe Graedon - February 4, 2024

Generic Metoprolol Reveals Flaws With FDA’s Approval Process

Joe Graedon - January 21, 2024

What Are Authorized Generic Drugs and Are They Better?

Joe Graedon - January 4, 2024

Authorized Generic Drugs Offer Quality and Affordability

Joe Graedon - December 28, 2023

How Risky Is It When Insurance Companies Overrule Doctors?

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Dennis Miller, RPh - December 18, 2023

Should You Question a Change in Appearance of Your Pills?

If you notice a change in appearance when your prescription is filled, you should double-check. The pharmacy may have made a mistake.

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Joe Graedon - November 27, 2023

Save Money by Paying Cash for Your Prescription

People assume that health insurance solves the problem of high drug costs. Not always! Sometimes paying cash for your prescription saves $$$.