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Articles categorized as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Gerd Or Heartburn

Article imageJoe Graedon - October 16, 2023
Article imageJoe Graedon - October 5, 2023
Article imageJoe Graedon - July 22, 2024 - 41 comments

How You Can Use Melatonin to Ease Reflux

Although melatonin is usually sold over the counter as a sleep aid, research indicates it can also help ease symptoms of acid reflux.

Joe Graedon - September 14, 2023

Do You Swallow a Spoonful of Mustard for Heartburn? Curcumin vs. PPIs

Joe Graedon - June 12, 2023

Old-Fashioned Italian Antacids Ease Reflux

Joe Graedon - May 15, 2023

Getting Off Omeprazole Can Be Challenging!

Terry Graedon - January 2, 2023

Can You Get Off a PPI Without Suffering Heartburn?

Terry Graedon - September 22, 2022

Show 1316: Protecting Your Digestive Tract

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Terry Graedon - April 1, 2021

Show 1179: What Should You Do About Digestive Distress? (Archive)

Listen to find out when your digestive distress might signal a serious problem and when you could manage it at home with simple remedies.

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Terry Graedon - October 19, 2020

Can You Use D-Limonene to Overcome Heartburn?

D-limonene derived from citrus peels may help ease the symptoms of acid reflux. Some people take it for gallstones, too.