Some parents are frustrated with heavy-duty treatments for eczema. They ask whether probiotics for children might help their skin.
One reader reports washing with Selsun Blue shampoo to ease eczema. This dandruff shampoo inhibits yeast that may contribute to itch and rash.
Dr. Crystal Aguh offers solid advice on how to care for summer-stressed skin and what to do about mask-aggravated acne.
Dr. Marvin Singh takes an integrative approach to digestive health and precision medicine. How can you assess your biomarkers at home?
One reader found that eating foods containing eggs made her eczema worse. Most dermatologists recommend soothing the skin with lotion.
Have you had trouble with cracked, split fingertips? One reader reports success treating eczema on fingertips with a lotion containing urea.
Some people prefer to treat their itchy, red eczema with natural remedies rather than steroid creams or immune-suppresssing ointments.
Eczema can be difficult to treat. One reader found that identifying an allergy to eggs and minimizing egg consumption was able to clear eczema.
Flaxseed oil, rich in alpha-linolenic acid, may help ease the rash and itch of eczema. Gamma-linolenic acid from hempseed oil may also help.
Aysa, a new app for your tablet or smart phone, can help you determine what is wrong so you'll know whether you need to see the doctor.
The herbal oils in amber Listerine appear to help ease itchy eczema. Could it be due to their effect on skin bacteria?
The itchy rash of eczema can be maddening. One family found that putting coconut oil on the skin helped their son stop scratching.
Eczema can be difficult to manage, as it tends to return after the course of treatment is completed. A simple remedy offers surprising success.