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Articles categorized as Anxiety

Article imageTerry Graedon - July 3, 2024
Article imageTerry Graedon - June 18, 2024
Article imageJoe Graedon - July 10, 2024 - 32 comments

Why Is Antidepressant Withdrawal So Hard?

Antidepressant withdrawal symptoms were overlooked for decades. The FDA now warns about "discontinuation syndrome." Are patients informed?

Terry Graedon - May 9, 2024

Show 1315: Are We Medicating Normal Emotions? (Archive)

Terry Graedon - April 25, 2024

Show 1383: How to Calm Your Mind with Food

Terry Graedon - March 28, 2024

Show 1350: Why Psychotherapy Matters: Lessons from a Harvard Zen Master and Psychiatrist (Archive)

Joe Graedon - March 14, 2024

Long COVID Is Common and Scary!

Terry Graedon - January 4, 2024

Show 1368: Why Overcoming Loneliness Is Crucial for Your Health

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Joe Graedon - January 1, 2024

Do Doctors Know How to Help Patients Stop Medications?

Why don't drug companies, doctors or the FDA tell patients how to stop medications? This is a problem with benzos, antidepressants and PPIs.

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Terry Graedon - December 14, 2023

Show 1367: How to Evaluate Prescription Drugs

In this interview, Dr. Aaron Carroll describes tools used to evaluate prescription drugs and the importance of personal experience.