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Articles categorized as Breast Cancer

Article imageJoe Graedon - May 8, 2024
Article imageJoe Graedon - December 21, 2023
Article imageTerry Graedon - July 17, 2024 - 11 comments

Will Eating Junk Food Put You at Risk for Cancer?

A diet high in junk food like soda pop or salty snacks significantly increases the risk of several types of cancer .

Terry Graedon - June 22, 2023

How Do You Weigh the Benefits and Risks of Aspirin?

Terry Graedon - May 18, 2023

Show 1341: Lessons Learned from Long Illness

Terry Graedon - May 10, 2023

New Guidelines Recommend Women Start Screening Mammograms at 40

Terry Graedon - May 10, 2023

Will Statin Drugs Help Fight Cancer?

Terry Graedon - November 30, 2022

Do People Who Skip Meat Have a Lower Chance of Cancer?

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Terry Graedon - November 17, 2022

Does Regular Vigorous Exercise Cut the Chance of Cancer Spread?

Vigorous exercise increases tissue glucose usage, leaving tumors without the ability to spread easily from organ to organ.

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Joe Graedon - August 25, 2022

Do Doctors Tell the Truth About Medical Mistakes?

Medical mistakes are more common than most people realize. Do doctors disclose their errors or try to pretend they never happened? Read the latest study.