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Articles categorized as Osteoarthritis

Article imageTerry Graedon - October 9, 2023
Article imageJoe Graedon - July 17, 2023
Article imageJoe Graedon - April 29, 2024 - 49 comments

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Provides Surprising Pain Relief

What do you know about low dose naltrexone (LDN) for pain? This very old drug might help some people with osteoarthritis and other conditions

Terry Graedon - June 26, 2023

What Is the Alternative to Grape Juice and Pectin?

Terry Graedon - May 18, 2023

Show 1341: Lessons Learned from Long Illness

Terry Graedon - April 24, 2023

Pectin and Grape Juice to Ease Sore Joints

Joe Graedon - April 10, 2023

Do You Take Your Pain Medicine for Granted?

Joe Graedon - November 30, 2022

Do Treatments for Knee Arthritis Do More Harm Than Good?

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Joe Graedon - November 24, 2022

Do NSAIDS for Osteoarthritis Wreck Joints?

A surprising new long-term study suggests that if doctors prescribe NSAIDs for osteoarthritis of the knees, the drugs may damage joints.

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Terry Graedon - November 14, 2022

Spicy Supplement Solves Pain Problem

As people age and develop aches and pains, they look for relief. The spicy supplement turmeric (curcumin) helps some.