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Articles categorized as Knee Pain

Article imageJoe Graedon - February 4, 2024
Article imageTerry Graedon - October 9, 2023
Article imageJoe Graedon - May 23, 2024 - 19 comments

Exerciser Needs Home Remedy to Overcome Knee Pain

Do your knees complain when you go up or down stairs? How about when you go for a walk? NSAIDs have serious side effects. What else can you do for pain?

Joe Graedon - July 17, 2023

Curcumin or NSAIDS for Knee Arthritis and Heart or Kidney Health?

Terry Graedon - April 24, 2023

Pectin and Grape Juice to Ease Sore Joints

Joe Graedon - November 30, 2022

Do Treatments for Knee Arthritis Do More Harm Than Good?

Joe Graedon - November 21, 2022

Will the Gin and Raisin Remedy Help Hip and Knee Pain?

Terry Graedon - September 22, 2022

How to Ease Arthritic Knees with Natural Remedies

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Terry Graedon - June 27, 2022

Will Celery Seed Ease Your Knee Pain or Gout?

Some readers are delighted to discover that celery extract relieves longstanding knee pain as well as the discomfort of gout. Others agree it is helpful.

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Terry Graedon - February 14, 2022

Will Certo and Grape Juice Help Your Sore Knees?

Drinking a concoction of the liquid pectin Certo and grape juice appears to ease knee, shoulder or hip pain for many people. Will it help you?