A new study from Austria suggests that acid-suppressing drugs cause allergies such as hives. There are even elegant explanations why it could be true.
An intriguing study reveals that what you feed your microbiota influences the variety of microbes in your intestines. The relationships are unique to you.
Drugs can't kill off many emerging superbugs. How can we protect ourselves from these lethal infections? Dalbavansin holds promise.
In this international research update, we consider studies of probiotics and how they influence the gut microbiota; also, are cold sores linked to dementia?
When most people think of diarrhea they imagine a minor annoyance that will go away in days. Clindamycin-caused C. diff infection can be life threatening.
C diff infections causing diarrhea were once found mainly in health care facilities. Now they are causing trouble out in the community.
Artificial sweeteners appear to be toxic to bacteria similar to those that inhabit our intestines. That could potentially be bad news for our health, too.
Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) like Nexium and Prilosec can prevent heartburn and heal ulcers. But they do have some frightening side effects and might even promote liver cancer.
If you have ever taken antibiotics, especially clindamycin, you know diarrhea can result. A C. diff infection can be life threatening. A new analysis suggests probiotics with antibiotics can help.
When doctors want to do a fecal microbiota transplant to treat Clostridium difficile, poop pills work as well as a colonoscopy.
Multiply recurrent C diff infections result in hard-to-treat recurrent diarrhea. Fecal microbiota transplantation may be the best treatment.
When antibiotics save lives they are miracle medicines. When they cause long-lasting pain and disability they can ruin a person's quality of life.
A study in Scotland found that people who take PPIs for a long time are more likely to suffer from C diff or Campylobacter infections.
Another patient's antibiotics could put you at risk for diarrhea due to C diff if you are unlucky enough to be the next patient in that bed.
We are overwhelmed by medical statistics. Though hundreds of thousands die from health care harm it has very little impact. A story is far more compelling.
A poop transplant that alters the disturbed microbiota of a diseased digestive tract can provide surprising relief from diarrhea, pain and other symptoms.
Doctors love a long white coat. For many it is a way to distinguish themselves. But white coats, ties, long sleeves and jewelry can spread germs.
Controlling antibiotic use to only those cases where the drug is strictly necessary can help reduce the risk of C diff infections.
Hospital patients on a PPI are at increased risk of dying from a recurrent C diff infection.
Finding a safe acceptable way to do fecal transplant will help many people with stubborn C diff infections that have not responded to traditional treatment.