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Articles categorized as Burns

Article imageJoe Graedon - March 11, 2024
Article imageJoe Graedon - June 19, 2023
Article imageTerry Graedon - April 1, 2024 - 45 comments

What Can You Do for a Kitchen Burn?

First aid for a kitchen burn is cooling it under running tap water. Then, consider soy sauce, yellow mustard or lavender oil.

Terry Graedon - June 4, 2023

Soy Sauce Helps Ease the Pain of a Burn

Terry Graedon - September 5, 2022

Cold Yellow Mustard Relieves Burn

Terry Graedon - July 18, 2022

Be Prepared for Summer with The People’s Pharmacy First Aid Kit

Terry Graedon - February 7, 2022

Will Soy Sauce Ease Your Burn Pain?

Terry Graedon - June 3, 2019

Do You Know About Soy Sauce for a Blister?

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Terry Graedon - November 1, 2018

How Aysa, an AI App, Helped a Mother with her Child’s Rash

Aysa, a new app for your tablet or smart phone, can help you determine what is wrong so you'll know whether you need to see the doctor.

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Terry Graedon - October 1, 2018

Why Cold Water Is Great First Aid for a Burn

Research has shown that the best first aid for a burn is cold water, not ice water. After 20 minutes under the tap, you might treat the burn further with soy sauce or mustard.

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Terry Graedon - August 27, 2018

Will Soy Sauce Cool Your Burn?

Many readers have found that splashing soy sauce on a burn after treating the injury with cold water makes a great remedy to take away the pain.

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Terry Graedon - July 2, 2018

Soy Sauce to the Rescue to Cool a Burn

You can cool a burn quickly with cold water. Then soak the area in soy sauce to ease the pain and reduce the likelihood of blisters.

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Terry Graedon - October 16, 2017

Licorice Oil Calms the Heat of Fire Ant Stings

Licorice oil applied to cold sores, stings, burns and bites helps ease the pain and speed healing.

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Terry Graedon - July 11, 2016

What Is in Your First Aid Kit?

Here's a list of items you'll want to include in your first aid kit and take with you on your adventures.

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Joe Graedon - April 11, 2016

Soy Sauce Burn Remedy Saved Dinner Party from Disaster

We once heard from an Army Ranger that soy sauce saved him from a bad burn caused by a smoke grenade. Many others also swear by the soy sauce burn remedy.

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Terry Graedon - December 21, 2015

Yellow Mustard for Frightening Glue-Gun Burn

Putting yellow mustard on a household burn can ease the pain and reduce blistering.

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Terry Graedon - November 9, 2015

Using Vanilla as a Burn Remedy

Some people report that they pour on vanilla as a burn remedy to ease pain and prevent blistering.

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Joe Graedon - October 26, 2015

White School Glue for Kitchen Burns

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Joe Graedon - August 10, 2015

AmLactin Cream Soothed Hands Jalapenos Hurt

Handling jalapenos with bare hands can result in a long-lasting burning sensation. To ease it, apply something acidic or a dairy product containing casein.

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Joe Graedon - April 13, 2015

Sodium Solution Said to Help Heal Burns

Soaking kitchen burns with cool salty water may help speed healing.

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Joe Graedon - March 9, 2015

Soy Sauce Can Ease the Pain of a Kitchen Burn

Dousing burned skin with soy sauce can often relieve the pain and limit the redness.

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Joe Graedon - February 2, 2015

Home Remedies Gathered into a Book

Our book, The People's Pharmacy Quick & Handy Home Remedies, contains many of the home remedies you read about in the newspaper.

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Terry Graedon - September 3, 2012

Mustard (without Bun) for Burn

A common kitchen burn will often feel better and heal more quickly if mustard is applied after the initial cold water treatment.

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Terry Graedon - March 19, 2012

Soy Sauce Eased Pain from Burn

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Joe Graedon - November 21, 2011

Home Remedies for Holiday Hazards

The holidays seem like fun and games--time to hang out with family and friends. Beware the dangers. We offer home remedies to the rescue.

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Joe Graedon - May 12, 2009

Soy Sauce Eases Pain of Burn

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Joe Graedon - July 28, 2008

Fresh Onion Juice for Kitchen Burns

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Terry Graedon - December 26, 2006

Soy Sauce Is Home Remedy for Burn