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Articles categorized as Psoriasis

Article imageTerry Graedon - October 5, 2023
Article imageJoe Graedon - August 7, 2023
Article imageJoe Graedon - July 17, 2024 - 4 comments

Does Air Pollution Increase Your Chance of Parkinson Disease or Psoriasis?

Chronic exposure to air pollution may increase your chance of Parkinson disease in the future. Cleaning up sources should be a priority.

Terry Graedon - February 6, 2023

What Can You Use for Psoriasis If You Can’t Afford Otezla?

Joe Graedon - September 5, 2022

Drug Price Gouging Is Immoral

Terry Graedon - August 28, 2022

How to Soothe Psoriasis with Cilantro

Terry Graedon - May 5, 2022

Show 1300: How Vitamin D and Omega-3s Help Your Health

Joe Graedon - February 14, 2022

Preventing Autoimmune Diseases with Vitamin D and Fish Oil

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Joe Graedon - September 20, 2021

New Nasty Warnings for RA Drugs Rinvoq and Xeljanz

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Joe Graedon - August 30, 2021

Scary Side Effects of Immune-Modulating Drugs

Drugs to dampen the immune system are BIG sellers. Humira and Enbrel make billions. How safe are these immune-modulating drugs during COVID?