Q. I have scalp psoriasis. The tea tree shampoo I use helps with the itching, but my scalp is left very dry after using the shampoo on a daily basis.
Someone wrote you and said to try rubbing the scalp with glycerin at night and shampooing it out in the morning. This is helping me tremendously!
The glycerin is easy to wash out and has a big impact on the psoriasis.
A. Glycerin is a clear, odorless, sweet liquid that is used in topical and oral pharmaceutical preparations. Many skin care products contain glycerin to take advantage of its moisturizing and lubricating qualities.
Some readers use glycerin on their legs at night to prevent leg cramps. Others report that applying a solution of glycerin mixed with vinegar and alcohol to the ear canal can prevent swimmers ear.
There is only a little research on the use of glycerin to control psoriasis, but dermatologists have found it helpful against dandruff (Skinmed, May-June, 2014).
If you try glycerin for psoriasis on the scalp or elsewhere, let us know how it works for you.