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Articles categorized as Fever

Article imageTerry Graedon - September 5, 2024
Article imageTerry Graedon - June 22, 2023
Article imageTerry Graedon - September 19, 2024 - 11 comments

Show 1400: Exposing Blind Spots: Unmasking the Myths of Modern Medicine

When doctors' recommendations are based on scientific evidence, they hold up. But blind spots that rely on dogma instead are a problem.

Terry Graedon - February 23, 2023

When Do You Need to Lower Your Child’s Fever?

Terry Graedon - September 1, 2022

Show 1285: The Plant Hunter’s Quest for Nature’s Next Medicines (Archive)

Joe Graedon - November 30, 2020

Can You Trust Touchless Thermometers?

Joe Graedon - November 23, 2020

Lowering a Fever with Advil or Tylenol

Terry Graedon - October 29, 2020

Show 1233: How Does Your Immune System Overcome Viruses?

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Terry Graedon - October 1, 2020

Can COVID-19 Symptoms Last for Weeks?

Fatigue, headache, cough, shortness of breath and other COVID-19 symptoms last for weeks or even months after recovery in some people.

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Terry Graedon - May 11, 2020

How Can You Get a Fever Down Without Drugs?

Centuries ago, people used a tepid bath to get a fever down, even if they had no medications. Now, doctors want to know about the underlying infection.

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Joe Graedon - April 27, 2020

We Blew It With the Q: When to Treat a Fever?

Sometimes there are answers to questions such as: When should you change the oil in your car? But some Qs are hard to answer like: When to treat a fever?

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Terry Graedon - April 13, 2020

When Should You Treat a Fever?

Elevated temperature can help the body recruit the immune system against infection. That's why you may not want to treat a fever unless it is very high.

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Terry Graedon - January 2, 2020

Will the 2019/2020 Flu Season Be Terrible?

Experts are predicting that the 2019/2020 flu season may be worse than usual. Consider getting a flu shot and keeping your immune system strong.

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Terry Graedon - December 6, 2018

Did the Maker Recall Ibuprofen for Your Baby?

Dosage variation prompted a manufacturer to recall ibuprofen for treating infants' fevers.

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Joe Graedon - December 3, 2015

Why It May Be Time to Throw Your Thermometer in the Trash

The Bestmed Digital Temple Thermometer does not read proper temperatures and could make it harder to spot a fever.

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Joe Graedon - December 3, 2015

Acetaminophen Makes No Difference for Kids in the ICU

Acetaminophen treatment is a mainstay for pediatric fever, but this hospital-based study found it did not speed recovery or improve survival for sick kids.

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Terry Graedon - January 23, 2014

Reducing Fever May Help Spread Flu

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Joe Graedon - March 14, 2013

Family Feuds Over Fever

An elevated temperature is merely a symptom of an underlying infection. The infection may call for treatment, but a mild fever usually does not.

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Joe Graedon - January 7, 2013

Should You Fight Fever When You Have Flu?

It may come as a surprise to learn that there aren't good clinical trials measuring the benefits of lowering a fever when patients have influenza.

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Terry Graedon - March 3, 2011

Don’t Overtreat Children’s Fever