Q. I have read about raisins soaked in gin for arthritis pain, but have hesitated because of the gin. Lately, someone sent me another remedy that I tried. I found it works so well that I thought you might like to share it with your readers.
Mix about 1 teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of hot water, then add 2 tablespoons of honey to it. Once it is cool enough, drink it. Do this daily for 2 weeks.
After I tried this, I was able to wear regular shoes comfortably for the first time in months. Before, I was limited to backless shoes. My ankle has not felt this good in over a year!
A. We appreciate the remedy you have shared. We’ve not encountered this approach to joint pain before. We do include a wide range of other remedies for stiff, sore joints in our Guide to Alternatives for Arthritis.