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Articles categorized as Liver Health Concerns

Article imageTerry Graedon - July 3, 2024
Article imageTerry Graedon - June 10, 2024
Article imageJoe Graedon - July 24, 2024 - 32 comments

Do You Love Your Liver Enough?

Are you taking care of your liver? Coffee and soft drinks have different impacts. Curcumin may blunt the effects of fatty liver disease.

Terry Graedon - November 16, 2023

Show 1322: Herbs for Healing and Optimal Wellness (Archive)

Terry Graedon - September 18, 2023

What Accounts for Blood Tests Showing Liver Failure?

Terry Graedon - July 6, 2023

Is Drinking Coffee Good or Bad for You?

Joe Graedon - May 8, 2023

Fluoride Exposure and Thyroid, Kidney and Liver Function

Joe Graedon - January 23, 2023

How Dangerous Are High Vitamin B12 Levels?

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Terry Graedon - January 13, 2022

FDA Says Lose the Triclosan; Use Ordinary Soap and Water

Triclosan is suspected hormone disruptor. Now scientists report that it also interacts with intestinal microbes in troublesome ways.

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Terry Graedon - January 21, 2019

Which Cinnamon Lowers Blood Sugar Safely?

Cassia cinnamon lowers blood sugar, but it contains coumarin. Too much coumarin can hurt the liver. Is there a way to get the benefits with minimal risk?