Q. I am having a problem with swollen legs and feet. About two months ago the doctor changed my hypertension medications. I was on Hyzaar and he changed this to losartan and Lasix. About a month before this he had increased my nifedipine (Procardia) from once a day to twice a day because my blood pressure was elevated.
Recent blood work shows that I am dehydrated and have a urinary tract infection. I have stopped taking Lasix and I am only taking the nifedipine once a day.
I have never been bothered with swollen legs as I am now. Could the losartan be responsible?
A. It is much more likely that the nifedipine is the culprit. About 10 percent of people taking nifedipine in clinical trials developed swollen legs and feet. In clinical trials, about one percent of people taking losartan developed swelling, but just as many people on placebo had this problem.
Don’t stop any of your blood pressure pills on your own. Get in touch with your doctor soon. Another possible cause of swelling in your legs could be heart failure, and Lasix is an important drug for treating that problem.