Have you ever seen the TV commercial for the Capital One Card that ends with the question: “What’s in your wallet?” We like to ask a far more fundamental question about your health and well being: WHAT’s IN YOUR ARMPIT: ALUMINUM or MAGNESIUM? If you are using an antiperspirant there is aluminum in your pits. That’s because the FDA requires ALL makers of antiperspirants to use aluminum. Chances are you apply your antiperspirant at least once a day. That can add up to a lot of aluminum over a lifetime. We’re offering a 25% sale on ALL our body care products for the next two weeks. Here’s the discount code: Summer25
If you have never used our aluminum-free MoM (milk of magnesia) roll-on deodorants, why not give one of them a try. There is unscented, as well as a fresh natural fragrance and a floral scent. We are encouraging newbies to give MoM a try. If you don’t like it, we refund your money no questions asked!
Aluminum Worries Us:
There is a huge difference between aluminum and magnesium. Aluminum serves no human biological function. If anything, aluminum is toxic to cells. Don’t believe us. Go to the National Library of Medicine’s website. It is called PubMed and it contains the largest collection of medical journals from around the world. You can search them. Just put the words aluminum and toxicity into the search box and see what comes up. We counted over 7,000 citations after doing this search.
Aluminum and Your Brain:
Want to freak out even more? Put aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease [AD] into a search on PubMed. There are over 1,200 citations. Here is a link.
A review article published in Metabolic Brain Disorders (July 27, 2021) is titled:
Role of Metals in Alzheimer’s Disease
Here is what the authors have to say about aluminum:
“Aluminum is accessible to humans through items such as food, tap water, medications, cosmetics, and paints. Though it has no known biological functions and has been declared as non-carcinogenic, aluminum has been implicated as a causal factor of encephalopathy, osteomalacia, microcytic anemia, and many other pathologies of various body systems… Because aluminum accumulation in neural tissues is an inevitable byproduct of human interaction with the environment, it may be relevant to consider how these micro-reactions could relate to AD-induced oxidative stress.”
“… in animal models, aluminum injections as well as chronic aluminum ingestion produce biochemical and behavioral changes that overlap with those of AD.”
The authors review a number of complex metabolic pathways and conclude:
“Thus, aluminum is connected to a multitude of neurotoxic functions, including but not limited to oxidative stress, protein denaturation, amyloidogenesis, membrane composition disturbance, iron dysregulation, and apoptosis. Considering the various ways that aluminum can impede normal biological function, it is certainly plausible that regional metal imbalances may contribute to AD.”
Magnesium: Essential for Every Cell in Your Body:
Magnesium, on the other hand, is an essential mineral for human physiology. It is crucial for your heart, brain, bones, and just about every other organ system. People who eat the most magnesium-rich foods (leafy greens, nuts, whole grains and fish) have lower rates of heart disease, stroke and diabetes (BMC Medicine, online, Dec. 8, 2016).
We created deodorants to give people a way to answer the question:
What’s in your armpit? by saying magnesium…not aluminum. We are offering a 25% sale on ALL our body care products {discount code is: Summer25}. That means you can get:
Unscented aluminum-free MoM (milk of magnesia) deodorant in the 2 oz bottle
Unscented aluminum-free MoM in the economy-sized 3.38 oz bottle.
You can get Men’s MoM with a wonderful fresh herbal aroma. Women love it too.
There is also Women’s MoM with a natural floral scent.
The offer of free shipping with two economy-size MoM deodorants is already substantially discounted and is not included in this sale.
Want to read reviews? Here they are:
Linda in Kenosha, Wisconsin says:
“I’ve been using this product for about two years now and LOVE it. It really does keep odor under control.
“Recently I ran out of MoM and bought a drug store brand that is “natural” and I could tell the difference immediately. Phew, no odor control. So, I am sold and will continue to use MoM and tell friends how good it is.
Anne in Seattle, Washington says:
“I am on my second bottle of the unscented one and love it. I started using it in summer when perspiration was a problem. It’s the best and will be my regular deodorant from now on. It lasts all day.”
Sandy in North Carolina likes the scent for women:
“I have used non-aluminum deodorants for several years, but they don’t stop odor all that well in steamy North Carolina heat. I purchased this product, and have been using the scent for women, and it works really well! I am so pleased. I gave the Men’s scent to my husband and the Unscented to a friend, and also purchased one for my brother. I’ll see if they have the same good result. I will be buying this again. Thanks!”
Brian in Chapel Hill, NC offers this comment:
“I have gone through one bottle which lasted 3 months. I use it most days and it seems to work ALMOST as good as aluminum products. I do keep the aluminum around for those have-to social+high exercise days but they are few and far between.
“I have also tried just rubbing Milk of Magnesia out of the bottle and it works fine too. This is just more convenient and I see there are some stabilizers in there to keep it liquid and rolling and such. Overall a great product without all the nasty effects of the harsh aluminum deodorants (which, I find among other things, cause me to get skin tags and general underarm itching/discomfort- which this product does not).
“Be mindful to check other ‘natural’ products carefully – one I was using that claimed to be ‘all natural’ hid the aluminum content in with another name – “alcloxa” – which is just an Aluminum salt.”
What About Your Lips?
In addition to our 25% sale on MoM deodorants we are also offering our natural lip balm products:
Product Reviews:
Susan in North Carolina says:
“I am one of those people who has been addicted to lip balm for many, many years. About 5 years ago I developed allergic reactions to any lip balm, even the “all natural” ones and I have tried many! I have been using the People’s Pharmacy Pomegranate lip balm for at least 3 years now without any allergic reactions on my lips. It’s been such a relief to have found a lip balm that I can safely use. Thank you!!!”
Sharon in Buffalo likes the texture:
“Have tried many others…this one
is so much better!..light, not waxy.”
Wendy has tried lots of lip balms and says:
“I have tried so many lip balms over the years! This is the one I am sticking with. It stays on longer than any others I have used, keeps my lips feeling better than any of the rest of the natural ones I have tried, and the taste is so mild that it doesn’t offend my nose or lips at all. I ordered a bunch to give to friends and clients for Christmas gifts. I would recommend an unflavored variety for the super-sensitives amongst us. The tube lasts a long time, too, and I have noticed no rancidity in the ones I have from last year. Great product, as is the MOM deodorant. Thank you.”
So…how do you get your 25% savings? Here is the code to insert in the discount code box:
This sale lasts until August 20, 2021, but don’t procrastinate. This is your chance to smell great and take care of your lips at a great price. Remember to put Summer25 in the discount code box before checking out.