Q. My kids love summer camp but last year they came home with lice. We tried three different lice shampoos and special rinses with limited success. It took us months of treating and retreating to get rid of the bugs.
It is almost time for my children to go off to camp this summer and I am dreading the possibility that they will come home with lice again. Is there anything they can do to avoid catching lice?
A. Whenever kids are in close quarters, the chances of catching lice go up. Encourage your children to avoid wearing hats or helmets that anyone else has worn. They should also try not to touch their heads or hair to other kids’ hair. Both of these are smart precautions when it comes to avoiding lice.
Another option would be to send them off with old-fashioned amber Listerine and suggest that they use it as a rinse after shampooing, being careful to keep it out of eyes. Fourteen years ago we received the following message from a mom going through a somewhat similar situation at school:
“My quick remedy to prevent a lice problem is Listerine. I have tried it and am convinced that it works. Put Listerine mouthwash all over a child’s head. It will smell strong until it dries and then there is no smell. Do not rinse the hair.
“My child even slept in the same bed with another youngster who was later discovered to have lice. My child was unaffected.”
To learn more about lice remedies check out Quick & Handy Home Remedies from The People’s Pharmacy. You will find out about non-toxic solutions to this challenging problem including a unique use of Cetaphil (the skin cleanser) on the hair, coconut oil and mayonnaise. You will also find out about hundreds of home remedies for:
Acne & Rosacea Allergies Arthritis & Joint Pain Body Odor Burns Bursitis Canker Sores Cholesterol Cold Sores Constipation Coughs | Dandruff Diabetes Diarrhea Dry Skin Eczema Gas Gout Heartburn High Blood Pressure Hot Flashes IBS | Insomnia Migraines Muscle Cramps Nail Fungus Psoriasis Sinusitis Skin Tags Vaginal Dryness Vertigo & Dizziness and many more! |
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