Q.I have suffered with heartburn for years. The most recent prescription medicine made my reflux way worse.
Then I read that almonds helped someone else with a similar problem. I tried it and it works for me.
Sometimes three almonds will do the job–raw, blanched, roasted or roasted with salt. They work if I eat them before a meal or after or when the heartburn starts. I carry snack size packs of almonds in my purse just in case.
A friend of mine who has a chemistry degree feels it may be the amino acids in the almonds that help heal the stomach lining and also help cut down the acid production.
A. We have no explanation for the relief some people get from heartburn when they eat a handful of almonds. Perhaps your chemist friend is right. In any event, this is a simple solution for an uncomfortable condition.
Other readers have had similar results. Sherry wrote:
“I had Rx meds for my heartburn/acid reflux and took the pill in am. When we went out to eat at some places I got sick afterwards, so I always carried almonds in my purse. I ate them on the way home.
“I was taking quite a few pain pills for a bad knee. Since its replacement, I no longer take all those pills so my problem went away. “
In any case, to test if almonds ease acid reflux for you is an easy and cheap remedy to try. For more suggestions on how to handle heartburn without drugs, you may want to consult our Guide to Digestive Disorders.