Surviving Cancer Against All Odds (Archive)
What can we learn from people who have experienced spontaneous remissions of serious cancers? Doctors recognize that such remissions sometimes occur, but they rarely study them. The problem is that remissions are uncommon and unpredictable, and consequently difficult to study.
The Research
Psychotherapist Kelly Turner interviewed more than a thousand people who had undergone a documented radical remission of cancer. To her surprise, most of these people identified similar factors when asked to explain their unanticipated survival. What are the nine key factors that seem to make a big difference?
This Week’s Guest:
Kelly Turner, PhD, is a researcher and counselor in the field of integrative oncology. Her research focus is the radical remission of cancer. She is the founder of the Radical Remission Project, collecting stories of radical remission for further analysis.
Her book is Radical Remission, The Nine Key Factors that Can Make a Difference. It is a New York Times best seller.
Her websites are: kelly-turner.com and www.RadicalRemission.com
Listen to the Podcast
The podcast of this program will be available the Monday after the broadcast date. The show can be streamed online from this site and podcasts can be downloaded for free.