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Joe Graedon - July 25, 2024

Will You Catch COVID Again and Again and Again?

What are the chances you will catch COVID again? It's not just president Biden. Lots of people have been caught up in the latest COVID surge!

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Terry Graedon - July 25, 2024

Show 1393: How to Get the Sleep You Need

This week, Dr. Roger Seheult explains why sleep is so important for health and how you can get the sleep you need.

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Joe Graedon - July 25, 2024

Will Ozempic or Wegovy Weight Loss Last?

Semaglutide can help people lose serious weight. But what happens to Wegovy weight loss when you stop using the drug? Will you regain pounds?

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Joe Graedon - July 25, 2024

Skip Cough and Cold Remedies for Something Better!

So much in over-the-counter cough and cold remedies does not work or is counterproductive. There's good news about nasal sprays that DO work!

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Karen Berger, PharmD, RPh - July 25, 2024

Why Pharmacists Can’t Just Slap a Label on It

Have you ever imagined that all the pharmacist has to do for your prescription is slap a label on it? A lot more goes into keeping you safe.

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Joe Graedon - July 25, 2024

How To Stop Tramadol Without Withdrawal Symptoms?

Tramadol is a popular prescription pain reliever now that opioids are under a cloud. But if you try to stop tramadol it can be challenging!

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Terry Graedon - July 24, 2024

Mediterranean Diet Saves Lives

A Mediterranean diet with extra-virgin olive oil or nuts cut deaths from heart attacks or strokes. Children also benefit from this diet.

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Joe Graedon - July 24, 2024

Do You Love Your Liver Enough?

Are you taking care of your liver? Coffee and soft drinks have different impacts. Curcumin may blunt the effects of fatty liver disease.

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Terry Graedon - July 22, 2024

Don’t Forget Your Medications When You Travel

Take care not to forget your medications, and keep them in your carry-on luggage. Stopping medicines without a plan can be risky.

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Terry Graedon - July 22, 2024

Is Sunshine the Best Source for Vitamin D?

The best source for vitamin D is the one that is available. That might be sunshine, or it might be a supplement.