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Joe Graedon - October 21, 2024

From Seasonal Sniffles to Constant Congestion: Controlling Year-Round Allergies

Seasonal allergies are bad enough, but year-round allergies can make life miserable. Do you wake up with a stuffy nose? We've got solutions!

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Terry Graedon - October 21, 2024

Taking Synthroid in the Middle of the Night

One reader takes thyroid medicine in the middle of the night. That avoids any problem of potential interactions with coffee or tea.

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Terry Graedon - October 21, 2024

Taking Garlic at the First Sign of a Cold

Is there a way to stop a cold in its tracks? Some readers recommend taking garlic at the first sign of a cold.

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Terry Graedon - October 21, 2024

Psyllium Fiber Is Versatile Remedy

Psyllium fiber is inexpensive and amazingly versatile. Not only can it control both constipation and diarrhea, it can help heartburn, too.

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Terry Graedon - October 21, 2024

Do You Need Advice on Angular Cheilitis?

A dentist shares advice on angular cheilitis that he gives his patients, while a reader suggests ruling out celiac disease as the cause.

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Joe Graedon - October 21, 2024

How Often Do You Get Up to Pee at Night?

This woman has to get up to pee every 2 hours. It disrupts her sleep! Does she have "nocturnal polyuria"? Another reader says raisins work!

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Joe Graedon - October 21, 2024

Secret Brazilian Remedy for Solving Underarm Odor

Milk of magnesia applied to one's armpits helps control underarm odor without causing irritation. How did this deodorant get started?

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Joe Graedon - October 16, 2024

Carcinogenic Benzene Is Found in Acne and Rosacea Products

A research article in a prestigious dermatology journal reports that benzene is found in many acne products. Benzene is a known carcinogen!

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Joe Graedon - October 16, 2024

Post-Covid Symptoms Are Debilitating

Post-COVID symptoms affect millions! After the infection, children are more vulnerable to diabetes and adults to heart attacks and strokes.