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Articles categorized as Ptsd

Article imageTerry Graedon - February 21, 2024
Article imageTerry Graedon - April 27, 2023
Article imageTerry Graedon - June 6, 2024 - 5 comments

Could Service Dogs Help Veterans Manage PTSD?

A three-month-long study of veterans with PTSD found that service dogs could help them manage their symptoms better.

Joe Graedon - May 6, 2021

Will Ecstasy or MDMA Ease the Trauma of PTSD?

Terry Graedon - November 26, 2020

Show 1237: Improving Your Mood With Food

Terry Graedon - August 31, 2017

Will Ecstasy Be a Powerful Treatment for PTSD?

Joe Graedon - July 16, 2015

Could Benzodiazepines Make PTSD Worse?

Joe Graedon - April 2, 2015

Will Blueberries Help Against Symptoms of PTSD?