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Articles categorized as Plantar Wart

Article imageTerry Graedon - March 17, 2024
Article imageJoe Graedon - March 11, 2024
Article imageTerry Graedon - July 10, 2024 - 2 comments

Show 1391: Key Steps for Healthy Feet

Find out about the best steps for healthy feet. Listen and call in your questions and Dr. Jane Andersen, podiatrist, will answer.

Terry Graedon - January 8, 2024

How Can You Keep Plantar Warts from Recurring?

Terry Graedon - October 30, 2023

Many Home Remedies May Help Eliminate Stubborn Plantar Warts

Joe Graedon - September 24, 2023

How Can You Make Plantar Warts Disappear?

Terry Graedon - July 11, 2022

Can You Cure Your Plantar Warts with Hot Water?

Terry Graedon - June 9, 2022

Show 1304: Fixing Your Foot Problems

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Terry Graedon - May 16, 2022

How Could Heartburn Drug Help Plantar Warts?

Although the research is not promising, many readers report that taking cimetidine (Tagamet) can help plantar warts go away. Medical supervision advised!

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Terry Graedon - December 16, 2019

Will Dandelion Root Banish Plantar Warts?

One reader made a serendipitous discovery of a supplement to banish plantar warts. It contained dandelion root, milk thistle, turmeric and acerola cherry.