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Articles categorized as Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura

Article imageTerry Graedon - March 26, 2018
Article imageJoe Graedon - November 21, 2013
Article imageJoe Graedon - June 20, 2024 - 258 comments

Is Quinine in Tonic Water Safe?

The pros and cons of quinine make tonic water a challenging choice for many people in their fight against leg cramps. What else works?

Terry Graedon - September 16, 2013

Tonic Water Can Help Prevent Nighttime Leg Cramps

Joe Graedon - July 1, 2013

Leg Cramp Remedy Could Be Lethal

Joe Graedon - July 6, 2011

Tonic Water Remedy Nearly Proves Lethal

Joe Graedon - April 21, 2009

How Safe Is Tonic Water?

Joe Graedon - June 26, 2008

Can Quinine Kill?