Your underarms are extremely sensitive. This tissue is easily irritated, especially after shaving or during hot weather. The antiperspirant you use almost inevitably has a substantial amount of aluminum salt in its formulation. Some people find it causes armpit irritation. What can they do?
Avoiding Aluminum by Using Milk of Magnesia:
Q. I have been using milk of magnesia (MoM) on my underarms nearly all my life. When I was in my early teens, I had started to develop body odor. My mother gave me a deodorant, but two days later I got a bad burning rash in my armpits.
The doctor advised me I am allergic to deodorants and told me to use MoM instead. I have done so ever since, for the last three decades.
A. Many readers have told us that milk of magnesia reduces body odor without irritating delicate armpit skin. We suspect it makes the skin less hospitable to bacteria that produce unpleasant aromas.
After hearing from many readers who found milk of magnesia helpful but messy to apply, we had a chemist develop a roll-on deodorant with MoM as the active ingredient. It contains absolutely no aluminum. And it is convenient to use, even for travel.
Testimonials about People’s Pharmacy MoM Aluminum-Free Deodorant:
Here are just a few stories that reinforce your experience with MoM:
Jack in New Zealand says:
“Works well enough, and is non irritating, which the aluminium deodorants were. Pricier than most, which combined with the postage & handling, makes it much pricier than most.”
Sadly, shipping products to New Zealand from the U.S. is very expensive.
Laura in Los Angeles offers a five-star review of The People’s Pharmacy Aluminum-Free MoM Roll-on Deodorant:
“I have always had problems with underarm odor … so much so …that I never liked to put my arms up for anything. I tried a lot of products and have never had any success. I finally found this one! I wish I had found it years ago. Going forward, this is the only deodorant I will be ordering from here on out. Unscented is my favorite.”
Millie in PA says:
“I love this product. Like everyone else, I have tried everything. MoM deodorant is the only thing that really, really works! I have an issue with just one armpit. Now, no problem. So happy I finally found something that works. Highly recommend it.”
Stella in Southeastern Wisconsin says she was a former dedicated solid deodorant user:
“For years my routine has been to purchase solid deodorant because that was all that was available to stop the underarm stink. As the years have rolled on (get it?), my awareness of aluminum in most antiperspirants sold in stores has changed my habit.
“After ordering one time, the MoM roll-on deodorant has become my favorite. There is no underarm stink with MoM. Thank you People’s Pharmacy for selling this wonderful product.”
If you are sensitive to the ingredients in standard antiperspirants and deodorants and experience armpit irritation, you may want to give MoM a try. Many people prefer the unscented version. Others, including both men and women, like the Men’s MoM that has a pleasant herbal fragrance.
There are strong feelings about Women’s MoM. Some people love the fragrance, while others prefer unscented. You can be the judge. Please let us know which MoM you like best.